Vocation Promotion

Commission Chairman:
The priesthood or religious life is not a human invention but a gift from God by which God continues to give Himself to His people throughout history. The priest is consecrated to make Christ present as Shepherd and Pastor of His flock. He is the “bearer of the mystery” which is the centre of our faith life. Therefore priestly and religious vocations are everyone’s responsibility. Christ has given the Church, the gift of the Priesthood to perpetuate the Eucharist, to preach the Gospel, and to forgive sins. All Catholics should help the Church in identifying the young people God is calling. As Catholics, we need to promote vocations in the Church. It is the responsibility of the entire community to pray for vocations and to invite our young people to consider the possibility that God might be calling them to a vocation as a priest or religious. Our ideal goal must be to instil in the young Catholics such a love and appreciation for the sacraments and the Priesthood. Parents, priests, and catechists must form youth leaders who can help encourage vocations in our parishes, our schools, and our youth organizations.

Commission Chairman: Fr Jom Mathew Kizhakkarakattu
Contact Number: 7888170451
EMail ID: jomkm@csmegb.net
Bishops Office
St.Ignatius Presbytery,
St. Alphonsa of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral
St.Ignatius Square,
PR11TT ,
Tel : +44 (0) 1772587186
Email : chancery@csmegb.org
Web : www.eparchyofgreatbritain.org