"Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock” (Acts 20:28)
Data protection is the fair, transparent and lawful use of information about people by an organisation which collects and processes their data as part of its functions and services. In the UK, the data protection regime is set out in the UK legislations of the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and other statutes of the Human Rights Act 2018 (Article 8) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR). The CSMEGB collects and processes persona data of others as part of its functions and services and fully complies with the above regulations.
The priest in-charge/mission director is the de-facto appointed Information Asset Owner for all types of data (personal/special category/commercial) generated in a CSMEGB Parish/Mission/Proposed Mission. This role can be delegated to someone else though but only in consultation with the local data protection representative. Although delegable, the ‘Asset Owner’ responsibility for management and security of data will always rest with the respective priest in charge/director of a centre.
The priest in-charge as the Information Asset Owner and as the responsible person must undertake the required Annual Data Audit (a template is, and work refreshed every year) for their respective Parish/Mission/Proposed Missions. This work can be delegated to someone else to lead and complete but can be undertaken so in consultation with the data protection local representative. All Information assets, including hardware, software, must be recorded on the asset register template, detailing the description, specification, user, and location of the asset.
Data Protection Lead – Rev. Dr. Antony Chundelikkat
Email: protosyncellus@csmegb.net
Mob: 07478273948
Data Protection Officer (Dpo) – Mr. Paul Antony
Mob: 07948 094117
Records Management Lead – Mrs. Ancy Johnson
Mob: 07765 311922
IT Infrastructure Lead – Mr. Jimmy Mathew
Mob: 07816 604288