Total Pulchra 2022

Total Pulchra 2022′, the Eparchial annual gathering of the Women’s Forum of Syro Malabar Eparchy of Great Britain was celebrated on 3rd December, 2022 in the most august manner. The celebration took place in Bethel Convention center Birmingham, starting with registration from 8.30 am. The programe began with a Spirit filled prayer service led by Rev. Sr. Ann Maria S H, the chairperson of Evangelization Commission. Since the Eparchy is entering the new Pastoral Five Year Plan with the year of Liturgy, Rev. Fr. Babu Puthenpurackal, Vicar, Cathedral and Chairman of Liturgy and Catechism Commissions, gave a very informative talk on Liturgy.
The formal meeting started with a beautiful prayer song invoking the Holy Spirit. Women’s Forum Vice President Mrs Jaisamma Bijo extended words of welcome to all. Secretary Mrs.Rose Jimmichan presented a brief but comprehensive report. Rt. Rev. David Evans, Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham Archdiocese delivered the inaugural speech and lighted the lamp formally inaugurating the gathering. Mar Joseph Srampickal, Bishop of Syro Malabar Eparchy of Great Britain and other dignitaries also joined the lamp lighting. Mar Joseph Srampickal blessed the gathering with his words. Then followed the Presidential address by Dr. Shincy Mathew, President and words of felicitation by Rev. Dr. Antony Chundelikkatt, Protosyncellus and Co-Patron, Rev. Fr. Jose Anchanickal, Chairman and Rev. Sr. Kusumam S H, Director. Joint Secretary Mrs. Jincy Velutheppilly, expressed vote of thanks. The solemn Concelebration with Mar Joseph Srampickal as main celebrant and with all the Priests present was a heavely experience. A beautiful choir of about 60 members sang the liturgical songs. After the Holy Eucharist the Family Apostolate honored the wedding silver jubilarians with memento and certificate of Episcopal blessing. The ex- executives of the Eparchial Women’s Forum were felicitated gratefully with presenting beautiful memento. Then were the colourful cultural programmes from the eight regions which were highly appreciated. The prizes of various competitions conducted by Women’s Forum were distributed on the occasion. Sincere words of appreciation and gratitude were expressed about Rev. Sr. Kusumam S H, who is completing her term of Ministry in the Eparchy and a beautiful memento was presented to her. Mrs. Shini Sabu, the Eparchial Treasurer expressed words of gratitude to all. The variuos committees together with the Eparchial executive was behind the very well organised Annual gathering, ‘Tota Pulchra 2022’ with about 1500 participants. The well appreciated programe came to its conclusion at 4.30 p m with singing the Women’s Forum Anthem.

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