Doctors Forum

Over the last few decades many doctors belonging to the Syro-Malabar Community in Kerala came to UK for higher training. Some of them decided to settle here and are currently working as senior doctors in the National Health Service (NHS). In addition, many children belonging to the migrant community settled here have opted for medical profession and are trainee doctors or medical students. From the beginning it was the wish of our Rev. Bishop that members of the medical community are actively involved in the activities of the Eparchy.

To achieve this a committee was formed under the leadership of Rev Dr Antony Chundelikkatt ( Proto-syncellus, Syro-Malabar Eparchy of Great Britain) with Dr Mano Joseph, Dr Martin Antony and Dr Mini Nelson as coordinators to develop a forum for all the Doctors in the Diocese. Although the group was initially formed as an online platform for discussion with about 100 participants in it, the official inauguration was done by Bishop Mar Joseph Srampickal on the 2nd of November 2019 at The Mother of God Parish, Leicester. The Forum conducted a Conference on Moral and Ethical Issues in Health Care from a Catholic Perspective with Dr David Crick, PRIME International as the main speaker.

The forum members are actively involved in the activities of the Eparchy.

Dr Mano Joseph, Dr Martin Antony, Dr Mini Nelson, and Dr Mathew serve the Eparchy as members of the Pastoral Council. Dr Mini Nelson chairs the Safeguarding Commission of the Eparchy. In addition, members of the Doctors Forum are actively involved in the various Eparchial commissions including Bible Apostolate, Youth Apostolate, Women’s Forum, Vocation Promotion, Spiritual Guidance and Family Apostolate. In addition, members are involved in the conduct of various seminars including pre-marriage courses and career guidance for youth. Also, members are actively involved in the activities of the local parishes such as catechism and church choir. In the years ahead the Forum will continue to ensure that the Eparchy receives full and active support of themedical professionals.​

Commission Chairman : FrJames John Kozhimala
Contact Number: 7778 631281
Email Id:
Bishops Office
St.Ignatius Presbytery,
St. Alphonsa of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral
St.Ignatius Square,
PR11TT ,
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