The Catechetical Commission of our Eparchy organised for the very first time – Viswasolsavam, a festival of faith, a popular summer activity for our children and young people! It will be held throughout the summer in our various regions. The first of these events was inaugurated in St Mary’s Proposed Mission, Gloucester and was conducted over 3 days from 23-07-2022 to 25-07-2022. Rev Fr Augustine Vamattathil inaugurated the event by lighting the lamp and rendered an inspiring message.

 Students were divided into 4 key stage groups and participated in various activities, debates role plays, etc devised by the Catechetical Commission. They were supported and encouraged in these faith festivities by the priest, catechesis teachers, church committee members, youth leaders, parents, and other parishioners.

The students were very enthusiastic and enjoyed every aspect. It was a very pleasant sight to watch them playing, working, supporting each other and eating together whilst growing in faith together. The Last day started with Holy Qurbana and the day ended with a procession where students dressed up as members of the Holy Family and various saints. Prizes were distributed to the group that scored the most in the outlined activities and the event ended successfully.

The highlight was that the whole community stood behind for this to happen. Special thanks to Catechesis commission Chairman Rev Dr Varghese (Babu) Puthenpurackal , Juliet Sebastian, a youth Catechesis teacher from Gloucester, Jimmy Mathew and all catechesis commission secretaries for the creation and delivery of  the colourful Viswasolsavam workbooks with plenty of age-appropriate activities, team-based activities and teachers’ guide.

During the three days, the children were thinking, working and learning about the Holy Family and each day they were reflecting on the members of the Holy Family and their virtues which endear them to God. We are certain that these students had a grace-filled experience that will draw them closer to God.

Dates of Viswasolsavam to be conducted across the Eparchy

Bristol-Cardiff Region

1.     Herford Qurbana Centre -30/7/22

2.     St Joseph Proposed Mission, Newport -01/09,02/09 and 03/09/2022

 Cambridge Region

Sacred Heart proposed mission Kings Lynn – 02/09, 03/09 and 04/09

Glasgow region

St. Mary’s Mission Aberdeen-19/08, 20/08 and 21/08/2022

 Coventry Region

St Francis Assisi Proposed Mission- Date to be confirmed

London Region

St.Monica Mission Hornchurch-02/09 and 03/09/2022

 Manchester Region

St.Thomas Mission, Wythenshawe-  25/10,26/10 and 27/10/2022

 Preston Region

1.     St. Alphonsa Cathedral, Preston- 29/08,30/08 and 31/08/2022

2.     St. Alphonsa – Blackpool- October- date to be confirmed

3.     St  Joseph- Birkenhead- date to be confirmed

4.     Our Lady, Queen of the Rosary- date to be confirmed

രൂപതാ വിശ്വാസ പരിശീലനകമ്മീഷൻ ക്രമീകരിക്കുന്ന വിശ്വാസോത്സവത്തിന്റെ വർക്ക് ബുക്ക് പ്രകാശന കർമ്മം ബ്രിസ്റ്റോൾ -കാർഡിഫ് റീജണൽ സെക്രട്ടറി ശ്രീമതി ലൗലി മാത്യുവിന് ആദ്യ പ്രതി നൽകി കൊണ്ട് ബഹു. അഗസ്റ്റിൻ വാമറ്റത്തിലച്ചൻ നിർവഹിക്കുന്നു
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